Contest Dinner
Hope Hotel
Sat, May 17, 2025
Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio USA
Sat, May 17, 2025
Hope Hotel, Dayton, Ohio USA

Past Speakers

2024 – Tim Duffy, K3LR
2023 – Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO
2022 – Joe Rudi, NK7U
2019 – Ted Rappaport N9NB
2018 – Chris Janssen DL1MGB
2017 – Tim Duffy K3LR and John Dorr K1AR
2016 – John Crovelli W2GD
2015 – Kay Craigie N3KN
2014 – Doug Grant K1DG
2013 – Bob Cox K3EST
2012 – Larry “Tree” Tyree N6TR
2011 – J. Scott Redd KØDQ
2010 – Joel Harrison W5ZN
2009 – Tim Duffy K3LR
2008 – Riley Hollingsworth K4ZDH
2007 – Barry Merrill W5GN
2006 – Rusty Epps W6OAT
2005 – H. Ward Silver NØAX
2004 – Atilano Oms PY5EG
2003 – Rich Strand KL7RA
2002 – Joe Taylor, Jr. K1JT
2001 – Tine Brajnik S50A
2000 – J. Scott Redd, KØDQ
1999 – David Sumner K1ZZ
1998 – Roger Western G3SXW
1997 – Fred Laun K3ZO
1996 – Rusty Epps W6OAT
1995 – Charles Fulp, Jr. K3WW
1994 – Frank Donovan W3LPL
1993 – Joe Rudi NK7U

Thanks to KA9FOX and for donating the web design and web hosting services to the Contest Dinner! Web and Email Hosting
Platinum Sponsors

DX Engineering


Gold Sponsor

Additional Sponsors Web Hosting

Radio Club of America